Failte Solar

 Inverter Won't Turn On

Descriptions: Inverter won't turn on means the LCD of the inverter is blank, and LEDs above the LCD are not working at all, and the inverter doesn't generating too.   

For inverters that are just be installed:

1.  Please check the Voc of all of the PV strings;

2.  Please check the Polarity of all of the PV strings;

3.  Please make sure the DC switch is ON;

4.  If steps 1-3 are all good, please contact Solis, and provide them with all the information you have got, along with pictures and videos.

For  inverters  that have been generating normally for a period of time:

1. Please check the Voc of all of the PV strings;

2. Please make sure the DC switch is ON;

3. Please measure the DC current of PV strings by a clamp multimeter.  

    If it's greater than 0.5A, please don't turn off the DC switch directly. 

    If you wanna turn off the inverter, please turn off the AC breaker first, then turn off the DC switch till the DC current is less then 0.5A, or do it at evening when the sun is set.

4. Use a multi-meter to check the voltages between PV+ and earth, PV- and earth of all the PV strings. 

   (it should be decreasing from values between 5% of Voc and 95% of Voc)

   If the voltage shown on the multi-meter is constant, then please tell us about it;

5. Contact Solis,and provide them with all the information you have got, along with pictures and videos.

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